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Morganza to the Gulf Reach F Mitigation

Government, Local

The Challenge

Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District (TLCD) intended to construct approximately 110 acres of marsh platform to mitigate for the impacts from the Reach F portion of the Morganza to the Gulf Interim Flood Risk Reduction Project.


The Solution

The objective of this project is to create a marsh system that will result in a diversity of emergent marsh and shallow water habitat, providing a stable substrate for growth of indigenous vegetation and be functional for wildlife and fisheries resources. TBS biologists completed bio-benchmark surveys by setting up transects and sample locations in marshes near the proposed restoration areas, evaluating vegetative communities for composition and vigor, collecting elevation data at all sample plots, and correlating elevation to species composition and health. The bio-benchmark surveys resulted in recommendations for target elevations to support interior marsh and pond habitats. TBS also made recommendations for species plantings based on the ability of the vegetation to colonize and protect fragile marsh soil. This marsh creation project will use approximately 1,650,000 cubic yards of material hydraulically dredged from the nearby Houma Navigation Canal. The target elevation of the fill material is +2.75 feet to reach a settled elevation of +1.50 feet.


Feasibility/Planning/Alternatives Analysis

Environmental Surveys and Permitting

Dredging and Sediment Diversion

Civil Engineering Design

Hydrographic/Bathymetric Surveying

Coastal Restoration/Marsh Creation

Regulatory Compliance/Permitting Services

Construction Services

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