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Bayou DuLarge Ridge, Marsh & Hydrologic Restoration

Government, Federal

The Challenge

This project’s objective is the restoration of approximately 22,308 ft of ridge and 661 acres of marsh creation along with a salinity control structure in Grand Pass between Lake Mechant and Caillou Lake. The project is in southern Terrebonne Parish and is funded through the RESTORE act.


The Solution

TBS was responsible for establishing survey control at the project site. Two deep rod monuments were set and GPS Static data was collected to compute horizontal and vertical control consistent with NGS CORS monuments and Geoid12B. TBS also performed bathymetric single beam surveys along Bayou DuLarge and the borrow area. Multibeam surveying was performed through Grand Pass, which has water depths in excess of 40 ft. A magnetometer survey was performed along Bayou DuLarge, Grand Pass, marsh creation and nourishment areas, and at geotechnical boring locations throughout the project. Results were analyzed to determine if any critical infrastructure exist in the project limits such as pipelines, well heads, abandoned marine vessels or other potential hazards. TBS and prime consultant collaborated to prepare a full topographic map and digital terrain model of the project site. These maps and models will be used to design the ridge, marsh creation areas and structure in Grand Pass. TBS also prepared detailed reports for the survey control, topographic and bathymetric survey, and the magnetometer survey.


Topographic Survey

Hazard Investigation

Coastal Engineering Support

Oyster Surveys

Hydrographic/Geophysical Survey

LiDAR Surveying Services

Hydrodynamic Monitoring

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