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Morgan City Levee Improvements

Government, Local

The Challenge

The City of Morgan City, along with support from Drainage District No. 2, St. Mary Parish Government, and St. Mary Levee District, propose to reconstruct and elevate this forced drainage system to provide protection from the 1% annual storm and ultimately provide FEMA-accredited levee protection system for the residents of Morgan City.


The Solution

TBS provided a preliminary project report to identify the most cost-effective alignments and features for an accredited levee system surrounding Morgan City. The first two phases of this project include approximately seven miles of levee reconstruction from the East Atchafalaya Basin Protection Levee to the Syracuseville Levee, which ties into the existing railroad tracks in Morgan City. TBS is currently designing the levee improvements necessary for FEMA accreditation.


Preliminary Feasibility Study

Overall Program Management

Wetland Delineation

Landrights Coordination and Mapping

Topographic and Bathymetric Surveys

Engineering Design and Plan Preparation

Regulatory Permitting

Agency Coordination

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