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TBS' multi-disciplinary team helps develop strategies, leverage technology for design and construction, and implement solutions to optimize performance.

Your Trusted Renewables Partner

With a growing demand for clean energy, lower costs, and robust incentives, renewable energy is expected to become a leading source of electricity generation. The technologies for renewable energy are quickly evolving and TBS is at the forefront of emerging trends and applications for solar, and onshore and offshore wind. From feasibility to procurement and construction. We understand the best practices and local, state, and federal regulatory framework to provide project development and technical solutions for a variety of renewable sources. TBS works with clients for planning, environmental, surveying, and engineering services to effectively, and economically, integrate renewable energy infrastructure to provide sustainable solutions for the future.

Renewable Energy

Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage (CCUS)

Leveraging Integrated Services to Mitigate Effects of Climate Change

Mitigating climate change through CCUS provides environmental, social, and economic opportunity for your business and the world.  As with all new opportunities, technical and regulatory complexity must be met with innovative solutions. As one of the first firms in Louisiana to work on CCUS projects, TBS has always been a steward of the environment and our communities. Being rooted along the Gulf Coast, climate change affects our communities daily. TBS has worked on small and large projects, capital and O&M projects, public works and industrial to pipeline, exploration, and production, with all of these providing us the experience and knowledge to serve our clients in their plans for CCUS projects.

Renewable Energy
    • Environmental
      – Wetland Delineation (Desktop)
      – Cultural Resources (Desktop)
      – Environmental Route Analysis (Desktop)
      – Regulatory Requirement Analysis

    • Survey
      – Topographic Survey
      – Survey Route Review (Desktop)
      – Property Boundary Research
      – Land R/W Route Analysis (Desktop)

    • Engineering
      – Alternative Route Analysis
      – Constructability Assessment

    • Project Management
      – Site Visit
      – Route Walkdown
      – Cost Tracking
      – Design Review Meeting
      – Kick-Off Meeting
      – TIC Development
      – Schedule Development

    • GIS Services
      – Prepare GIS Portal Site
      – Generate Shape File Library & Data Capture
      – Portal Administration

    • Sector Scanning

    • Artificial Reef Monitoring

    •  Environmental
      – Wetland Delineation (Field & Report)
      – Threatened and Endangered Species (Field & Report)
      – Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
      – Permit Preparation
      – Compensatory Mitigation Coordination
      – Cultural Resource Survey
      – Permit Acquisition
      – Agency Coordination & Meetings
      – Air Permitting & Compliance

    • Project Management
      – Cost Tracking
      – Status Meetings
      – Design Review with Client
      – Site Visits
      – Project Related Meeting (HAZID, Pre-job)

    • Engineering
      – Geotechnical Permissions and Permitting (3rd Party)
      – Geotechnical Investigation and Reporting
      – Construction Typicals
      – Base Map with Workspaces, Access Routes, Etc.
      – Class and HCA Survey/Definition
      – Jack and Bore
      – Horizontal Direction Drilling
      – Facility Design (Pig Trap)
      – Facility Design (Valve Site)
      – Civil/Structural
      – Grading Plan
      – Foundation Design
      – I&E Design Items

    • Survey
      – Updated Aerial Imagery
      – Route Survey (Land or Marine)
      – Property Boundary Survey
      – R/W Parcel Plats
      – Prelim/IFC Alignment Sheets
      – Foreign Utility LONO Crossing Plats

    • Land/Right of Way
      – Tax Title
      – Survey Permission
      – 30-year Title
      – Acquisition
      – Expropriation Support
      – Damage Settlement/Releases
      – Letters of No Objection (LONOs)
      – Electrical R/W

    • GIS Services
      – Maintain Portal Site
      – Generate Shape File Library and Data Capture/Update
      – Permitting Assistance and Report Generation
      – Land Acquisition Assistance

    • Environmental
      – Agency Commencement Coordination
      – SWPPP & Environmental Monitoring
      – Discharge of Hydrostatic Test Wastewater

    • Survey
      – Construction Staking
      – Construction Support
      – Material Tracking (Bar Code Scan, etc)
      – Pipe Tally
      – As-Built Alignment Sheets

    • Engineering
      – HDD Validation
      – Professional Engineer Hydrotest Witness
      – Records Review (MTRs, pipe tally, etc.)
      – Construction Support

    • Project Management
      – HAZID & Pre-Job Meetings
      – Access Routes
      – TBS Onsite Representative & Records Collection
      – Monthly Status/Progress/Check-In Meeting
      – Procurement Assistance

    • Land/Right of Way
      – Survey/Construction Support
      – Construction Sign Off

    • GIS Services
      – Maintain Portal Site
      – Coordination of Groups
      – Generate Project Deliverables

    • Environmental
      – Post Construction Field Investigation
      – Restoration Documentation
      – Agency Requested Completion Notifications

    • Survey
      – Develop Records

    • Engineering
      – As-Builts HDD & Jack/Bore
      – Records Consolidation & Data Book

    • Project Management
      – Cost Tracking
      – Status Meetings
      – Project Close Out & Debrief

    • GIS Services
      – Maintain Portal Site
      – Portal Records Generation

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