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Terrebonne Oyster Bed Surge Protection System

Government, Local

The Challenge

Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government hired TBS to provide coastal engineering services for the design and permitting of the Terrebonne Oyster Bed Surge Protection System Project. Shoreline protection for the Project is located at two sites. Site 1 is approximately 1-mile-long across the north bank of Lake Chien, and Site 2 is approximately 2.5 miles along the northern bank of Lake Tambour.


The Solution

TBS has been tasked with collecting survey, environmental, and habitat data along the approximate 3.5 miles of shoreline of the proposed Project. TBS will use this data to analyze coastal processes, prepare engineering plans, and supporting environmental documents and permit applications for the Project. TBS services include data collection, topographic, bathymetric, magnetometer, and UAS surveying; coastal analysis/numerical modeling; engineering design; and environmental surveys and permitting.


Environmental Surveys and Permitting

Engineering Design

Engineering Design - Civil, Coastal, Mechanical,

Hydrographic and Geophysical Surveys

Unmanned Aerial Surveying

Biological Oyster Assessments


Coastal Process Analysis

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